Natural Light

“Vek is a rare breed. He is a gentleman, an honest soul. His approach to his work is passionate and focused; yet, casual and effortless. All of this is clear to me within the first few moments of working with him.

I recently spent a morning with Vek as a photography subject. He approached me a few weeks ago asking if I’d be interested in being shot. I quickly agreed and was pleasantly surprised at how my experience unfolded. First I got a “deck” emailed to me with an catalog of ideas. Vek had compiled three concepts he was interested in pursuing complete with inspired photos illustrating each. Together we talked about the feel, the objective, and the depth of each concept until we agreed on one. I appreciated his professionalism, forethought, and preparation. Armed and ready we set a deadline and began thinking of possible locations for the shoot.

The morning of, Vek picked me up early and we headed out to the general area to look at sights. He explained with clarity what elements are important to a shoot and why; what specifics he was looking for as we approached our destination. I could tell his eyes were ahead of his words and that his work had begun. At no point did I feel disconnected from him, he kept me comfortable and we small talked easily about this and that, laughing lightly and often.

Once we began shooting he kept the energy fluid by suggesting breathing exercises I could practice to avoid stagnation in the photos. He encouraged my movements and told me when to freeze. I was never left guessing, never unsure, never uncomfortable. Vek is such personable and open character that it felt more like a visit than a work site, making all the difference. We kept it moving both physically, conversationally, and creatively.

Facing impeding elements, as we were outside, Vek improvised. He was able to manipulate the external conditions that we were able to continue. I was impressed. We continued to work until the rain took over the sky and wrapped before his equipment got compromised. On the drive back he would interject conversationally, “I like that branch, look at that," and, "I can see a photo there, in that rabbit hole of bushes.” I admire his constant surveillance of his surroundings; a creative mind is never idle.

Vek is a man with a passion, a vision, a purpose. He takes his interests and his work seriously. This translated to me, the subject, by making me feel important­ it was an honor collaborating on a project of his. I have no doubt the end result will be as refined as every step he has taken in his process, start to finish.”
